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PTR Server Slam - We Need Your Help!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Just want to note, since there's been a little confusion:

    While we're looking to stress test the servers between 6:00-8:00 p.m. PDT tonight, we'll be leaving the PTR available for a longer period of time than just that window. That's just the best time for us to run some observation tests.

    We appreciate any and all server slamming you guys can throw at us. Thank you so much for being the constructive, dedicated, and passionate community you are!

    Piggybacking my own reply to let everyone know:

    We've updated the PTR Server Slam text. We'll be running our observations every night this week from 6:00-8:00 p.m. PDT. If you can't make that window, that's okay; any testing will help us out. However, this is an optimal observation window, so we'd love as many folks as possible to hop on and play during this time.

    Thanks all. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    You guys should really consider giving some heads up on this. I am sure some people would help stress test, but are doing this instead. If not seeing the post after it is over.

    Totally hear you on this. Deployment of this particular PTR moved pretty quickly!

    Certainly something we're aware of, and I appreciate the feedback.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Just want to note, since there's been a little confusion:

    While we're looking to stress test the servers between 6:00-8:00 p.m. PDT tonight, we'll be leaving the PTR available for a longer period of time than just that window. That's just the best time for us to run some observation tests.

    We appreciate any and all server slamming you guys can throw at us. Thank you so much for being the constructive, dedicated, and passionate community you are!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Think they applied the wrong buff, I have Receive twice as many bounty bags lol

    Checking into this. Thanks for the report!
