
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

*Final* play your way?? why is this ending?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Probably submissions and/or lack of interest. They can see how many views a page is getting and tell when views fade. I'll be honest, I was interested in it. I made a few submissions. One that I thought was pretty unique take on Roland's Set. But I've probably skipped over the past several months of Play your Ways.

    Lack of submissions or interest is definitely not the reason, but again, this is only the livestream portion being cancelled. The rest of the series is continuing. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I am personally a subscriber to the theory that there will be no Thursdays in the future.

    I was born on a Thursday. You've discovered my master plan to attempt to attain immortality.


  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Tell the truth, the studio got converted into a sauna and the devs would rather spend their time steaming instead of streaming.

    Nah, now it's a war room and we plan on spending more time scheming instead of streaming.


    Upvote for your cake day, you silly man. <3

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    There are a lot of reasons the streaming portion is going away, but Play Your Way itself as a blog is not.

    A little insight:

    • If you're looking for a build that performs at the best, highest Greater Rift possible, this series has never been aimed at you. We've always said as much, and being accessible, entry-level content will continue to remain the goal.
    • The streaming portion has been a fun experiment that I've learned a lot from, but it's time to try something new. My goal is to improve both our stream content and the PYW blogs as individual entities rather than a combined effort.
    • I want to address a lot of the feedback players have given for Play Your Way, especially the call for more video content. I'm exploring this option, and as any video creator will tell you, it's both time and resource consuming. Something had to give, but I think it'll be worth the exchange.
    • 2.3.0 changes a lot of stuff (especially with Kanai's Cube)! The timing is good, so we're taking the opportunity to iterate.

    That's the long and short of it, and while things are still being planned, I want to say that I'm super grateful for those who have submitted hundreds of builds, tuned in to every stream, and participated in the discussions. This series is for and wouldn't exist without our community, and I'm excited to see what the next iteration will bring.

    TLDR: PYW has never been for high-end players, the streaming portion was an experiment and it's time to explore new options, we want to improve the blogs themselves, and it's good timing.
