
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

New PTR patch:

Patch Notes

Adventure Mode:

  • Horadric Caches now only drop 1 act specific crafting material below level 70
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Act IV bonus cache to take up less inventory space than intended


  • Fixed an issue that caused the buff icon for Archon stacks to disappear when Archon expired with The Swami equipped
  • Fixed an issue that prevented several item affixes from being restricted to the proper classes
  • Fixed an issue that caused Chantodo's Resolve set bonus stacks to reset when taking a portal

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Mac client from launching

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Season 4 PTR?

    Not yet! Later this week.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    keep your pants on WDS. no change at all for us. not even numbers

    Note that this patch won't have any major design revisions; we're still working on those iterations (and digging through your amazing loads of excellent feedback) and we'll let you know when a larger PTR patch is on its way.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    You missed a few notes. :) They're a little sneaky since they're pretty far down the notes (but still in red).

    Nephalem Rifts

    Conduit Pylon:

    • Duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds in Greater Rifts
    • Conduit now deals damage based on your current difficulty level or Greater Rift tier
    • Conduit now deals reduced damage to bosses and Rift Guardians
  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    you have to make new char iirc

    Only once Season 4 begins (if you want to do Season 4 testing).
