
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I did it my way and made 752 on the monk leader-board tonight!

I hope I'm not out of line posting this here, I wanted to share my excitement reaching this goal that I honestly never thought I'd reach.

I also thought maybe I could share some of the things I did a bit different over the last few months leading up to today.

Here's a few screenshots and this is my monk PrawnStrike's build.

I hope I'm wrong but I think the first thing many people will observe is the toughness and recovery and think that they're way too high. I absolutely agree on that point, but I'm in my 40's and I struggle with reaction times and analyzing the play field as quickly as I did as a young man. I know that <21M toughness and <3.3M recovery would do just as well under the control of a more adept player.

The gist of the play style is pretty straightforward: Dash in with Epiphany:Insight up, drop a few PoTAs to proc a few SWK taunts, then start tagging peons with Exploding Palm.

As everything taunted draws closer to you, blind and drop Inner Sanctuary for DPS and protection, then start spamming the ever loving Ytar out of PoTA.

Keeping Spirit in the tank is the key to the play style. With no primary generator skill, Blinding Flash with Laws of Seph are how you bridge the gap from when Epiphany dies off to when you can activate it again. With some practice on the timings, 100% PoTA uptime is achievable.

Thanks for letting me share with you all!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Congratulations! I love seeing folks play their own way. It's wonderful to see the success you've managed by building around your own strengths and weaknesses.

    Thanks for sharing!
