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[Post] Upcoming: End of Era 7

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    So the technology of ending an era at the same time as applying a new patch is finally there.

    There's a sort of debate that happens internally with the end of each Era. Ideally, we want to make sure we select at time that's most fair for the community as a whole.

    Given that the Necromancer as a class is a huge unknown quantity in multiplayer meta builds, we wanted to minimize its potential impact to the current Era and felt the patch was the most ideal time. It's possible we may roll this next Era quickly if a major bug or hotfix rears its head - or maybe it'll play out just fine.

    Point is, we're keeping our eye on class performance and ensuring as fair and consistent a playing field as we can. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Couple questions:

    Why was season 11 delayed so much? It would have been great if it was released on the same day as Necro, or maybe a week later at the most. I enjoyed there only being 2 months between seasons, the start is always most fun for the majority.

    And, if we have 10 stash tabs unlocked, will we get the 2 from the Necro pack and end up at 12 total tabs?

    The short reason is to allow us time for any potential hotfixes.

    We had a closed Beta for the Necromancer, and opening up a Closed Beta to Open doesn't always actually get you the testing that you want done. PTR concurrency is always much, much lower than live concurrency.

    As a result, there will always be issues that are missed by QA/PTR testers/Developers/Community Managers because there's just way more people playing the game total than the sum of the above listed group. We want to ensure we have time to address any glaring issues before the Season starts; a new class has a lot of moving pieces, and while everything could turn out just fine, it's better to plan a cushion window than to risk a really rocky Season start.
