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Necromancer is the class I'm having the most fun in Diablo III. Thanks, Blizzard!

I always loved the Necromancer on DII and when I started playing, there was not Necro so I chose WD. But that class (good class don't get me wrong) didn't fit well with me. The damage output was very incredible but for ex when a big monster appeared I could not focus on him because all my pets were randomly destroying monster and not focusing on the elite.

Now with Necromancer I can in fact COMMAND my pets, I can order the skeletons and the golem to attack what I want. Not only for bosses but for goblins too.

The corpse explosion skill is one of the most satisfying skills on that game. It's so cool to just explode and cause carnage on your enemies. I'm playing throught the campaing until S11 arrives an I'm having a blast. Not only that but the Necro is stylish af.

I just wanted to post this for you guys and for Blizzard. If you guys have any questions about the Necro I will be happy to answer!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I want to. I just fall back into that comfort zone thing with the Demon Hunter. :P

    I'll be honest - sounds like Challenge Rifts might be perfect for you. This week is Demon Hunter, but we'll be swapping classes every week so you can get a taste of different gameplay styles.

    Give it a try!
