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Necromancer Skeletons Too Bright?

Hey, I picked up the Necromancer DLC and while playing with my friend noticed my summoned skeletons are super bright. They're like vanilla ice cream cones with swords. Has anyone else had this issue or know a fix? I only found one post on the Diablo Forums about this and it had no posts on it, so I'm asking here.

Please let me know, thanks!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    so that the player can always identify them.

    WD and DH pets looks pretty cool without it. Why suddenly change that?

    There are also a LOT of other Skeletons in the game - ensuring that the Necromancer's personal pets stand out was both a concern and feedback we received through various steps of development.

    I'll double check with our artists to be sure, but I'm pretty certain this is intended.
