
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Fueled by Death does not increase MS past 25% cap, making it useless for speed builds


Almost all abilities and legendary affixes increase movespeed past the 25% MS stat cap.

Witch Doctor spirit walk, Barbarian Sprint, Krelms Buff belt, etc, all increase movespeed past the 25% cap,

making them all useful for speed rifts.

The Fueled by Death movespeed buff, however, does absolutely nothing if you already have 25% MS from paragon or items, making the passive virtually useless.

Right now Necro is very weak when it comes to speed builds. If this currently dead passive worked like every other ability in the game and stacked with the MS cap, he would at least have a bit more speed for rift builds.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    This is definitely a bug! We've got it in our tracker for a future hotfix. :)
