
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Brace Yourselves, I'm about to say something bad about the Necromancer.

Hello Everyone,

Like most of you, I've spent the better part of the last 48 hours playing the Necromancer. I enjoyed the leveling process and once I hit 70 Rngesus (Praise be to Him) saw fit for me to get the Rathma's Set.

Now that I've played Rathma's for a while one thing has quickly become apparent. A 6 second duration for a summon that gives a stacking 250% damage buff just isn't long enough. Having to constantly spam Skeletal Mages is aggravating and since the mages are constantly popping in and out of existence my damage feels really inconsistent. Even with extended servitude and Nailuj's Evol, the duration is still too short.

I'm not saying that Skeletal Mages should last forever, but I'd like to see them last at least a minute maybe two at the maximum.

Overall, this spammy playstyle needs to go, it's not fun. Please change it Blizzard.

Edit: Okay, there's a cap of 10.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Skeleton Mages are definitely unlike any other skill in the game - really, they're a "spender" that has pet-like qualities, rather than a pet that happens to cost additional resources. At least, that's how I see them. :)

    As far as design intention, the Necromancer is meant to be a much more active pet class, and Skeleton Mages is one of the ways in which this play is encouraged. Of course, we're certainly concerned if folks are having actual physical pain while playing - if this describes your experience, please reply with your build and describe the situation in which you're encountering it so we can try to emulate it in the office.

    It may also be worth noting you can hold down the button Skeleton Mages is bound to in order to auto-cast them. I legit didn't know this until I was chatting with Travis earlier about this feedback, even after having run and tested this skill extensively through Beta and in internal alpha builds. I figured other people might not know either, and I really don't know why it never occurred to me. /derp

    I want to reiterate we're not ignoring this feedback; we're keeping a close eye on both usage and community concerns. That doesn't always mean immediate action or communication - lots of conversations, investigations, and tests usually happen between the process of gathering/delivering feedback and when I'm able to pop in somewhere to share our findings or plans.
