
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

SURPRISE PATCH with no patch notes - already bugs discovered. Blizzard, please.

As usual, Blizzard patched Diablo 3 a little while ago without posting any patch notes. If you're interested in seeing what was patched, you can look at the data-mine here for yourself:

After patching, you are unable to see how many stacks you have of certain skills that have stack identifiers on the skill icon on your tray. It just shows you gained the buff, but the player has no idea how many stacks he or she has.

So far this includes:

  1. Soul Harvest
  2. Bone Armor
  3. Sacrifice - Provoke the Pack (# of dogs available)
  4. Blackhole

and I'm sure many others.

Blizzard, first off, you didn't address any of the fixes that the community wanted for Necromancer. There are certain skills and passives that aren't working properly and you might just let them go as they are for S11. Secondly, why is it that every time a patch goes through, something breaks?!

You should feel embarrassed. I'm embarrassed I'm still playing this game, but I can't bring myself to quit.

Please put some effort into your patches. This is getting really old.

P.S. Thanks for adding the missing transmogs back in the game because that was so game-breaking.

EDIT #1: OFFICIAL PATCH NOTES: Makes a lot of sense to put PATCH NOTES in the GENERAL DISCUSSION section instead of PATCH NOTE section.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Few things:

    • The stack issue is known. We're already working on it.
    • Pretty much every kind of software that patches will fix some things, but break others. I can't really comfort you on this point; sometimes the issues that arise are more noticeable than others, but that's kind of just... how that works.
    • Some things are easier to address than others. This patch came together in a very short time frame. Other feedback may be harder to act on. As with all classes we've put into the game, we're reading your feedback, watching performance, playing the game, and acting on collective data from all those sources. Tweaking and updating will continue.
    • Patch notes will come to the launcher tomorrow. Again, this came together pretty quickly, and we wanted to get the patch notes out as fast as we could. The launcher's a bit more intensive, so I'll be getting that done in the morning.

    It's been a busy day, so I hope you'll forgive me for the late answer. Definitely trying to get as much communication out there as possible while still attending to my many other duties. Thanks for your patience. <3
