
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

D3 Nevalistis community manager interview - confirmation of NO balance changes in the near future

Consistent with Blizzard's recent pattern, the D3 community manager Nevalistis did an interview yesterday on a twitch stream (lol), this time a paid one! For those who don't want to fork over $5 to subscribe to the channel, here is a summary of some content from that interview. I'll post a link to the stream at the bottom if you have a free subscription or something.

  1. She described the response to necro as really awesome and everyone is really pleased with it (lol). Seems that the PR language for this DLC is that the release is smooth sailing and the community loves it.

  2. Apparently, both community managers took turns taking week-long vacations right after launch, which overlapped with the recent exploit fiasco, hence the limited communication during that time. However, she did confirm that the exploiters on the leaderboards were punished individually, but she said they were relatively lenient (didn't specify what they actually did). They did that because due to technical limitations, it was apparently very difficult for them to 100% confirm which were legit exploiters and which were not.

  3. They've found some ways internally to balance out the longevity of the Necro skeletons. They're still testing, so won't be released yet, but future skellies will live longer!

  4. They're focused primarily on stability for season launch rather than changes. Therefore, there will be NO balance-related changes before Season 11 (and I'm guessing for its duration). She just said there will be some "down the road". She didn't rule out hotfixes for bugs and such, but take this as 100% confirmation that Season 11 will revolve around the current versions of all items and sets (no pestilence sets or Inarius buffs for you Necros :P).

Everything else in the interview was PR fluff: what it's like to be a community manager, the "awesome" lore of Diablo and the cuteness of the Season 11 pet.

Original twitch stream link: (1hr 19 min start)

TL;DR Nevalistis confirmed there will be no balance changes of any kind for Season 11. Not new info, but nice to have some "blue" clarification around what to expect (or to not expect in this case).

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Not even a fueled by death fix?

    I've actually been trying to confirm when this one is going to happen. I know we have it planned - just not sure when (or if it got ninja'd under my nose).

    I've been juggling a lot of projects for Season launch and reporting in the post Necro release (contrary to what seems to be popular belief, communication isn't my only job), so as soon as I can track this one down, I'll let folks know!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Is Blizzard's way of improving communication, giving important information in subscriber-only twitch vods?

    I'll be honest in saying I've wanted to do things with Geek & Sundry because I love their channel and approach to community. It's full of people who love embracing their inner geek (a core value here at Blizzard). We were offered the opportunity and we went for it!

    I don't really have control over their distribution methods, but understand that not every interview is going to be crammed full of breaking news. We had planned to talk much more about Necro and Season 11, but the conversation from the G&S crowd steered more into Blizzard culture and what my duties entail. Talk shows like these often flex to what their audience is interested in.

    I'm working over the next couple of weeks to communicate as much as I can (I said as much on the show; I'm much more reactive post launch than pre, because pre-launch there's a ton of stuff to do), and I think I have some initiatives you'll find interesting coming up. Stay tuned.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    both community managers took turns taking week-long vacations right after launch

    stopped reading after this. because this means they lack internal communication and/or they don't care about internal/external communication at all or there is noone left in the D3 team to communicate with.
    chose one.
    on top of that: these informations were released through a paid stream?
    I am not going to miss D3.

    There's a lot of missing context here. Yes, I did take a week off. No, I did not leave the office empty—we have other staff members here who, even if they may not post as much as I do, were actively collecting feedback, passing on issues, and communicating with our developers.

    I opted to take a week off after launch to give myself some rest after a deluge of 12-16 hour days, a 15 day flu with 5 days of laryngitis I suffered the week before and going through launch, and, honestly, to take care of myself. I do have obligations to this community. But I also get vacation time that I get to use at my discretion, and I value not becoming entirely a workaholic (even though I ended up spending most of my vacation playing D3, tracking issues, and writing up bug reports for when I got back into the office).

    As for my coworker, he chose not to take a week off - he took a day off. I admire his resolve and hard work, and thank him so much for helping me get through a tough time I've been having outside of work.

    I don't mind if you judge me for my decisions, that's fine. But I would prefer I set the record straight and am judged for a) what actually happened and b) with appropriate context.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    She's right to say that the Necromancer launch was a huge success. Have you seen the recent polls on who's going to main which class? Each one of them puts the Necromancer on top by a wide margin. By a large, the community has greatly enjoyed this new addition to D3.

    Thank you for the heads up on the interview - crazy strange that they're doin' stuff like that without bothering to reference it for us on the forums or here on Reddit...

    I'm working on this. There's several clips floating around and the stream will be replaying throughout the week on the G&S channel.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    So much for their core value of "Every Voice Matters"

    Every voice does matter.

    We can't always reply to every voice, even if we want to. But we are constantly listening. One of the things I said on the interview is that all players' feedback matters to us, whether it's positive or negative. Neither are more important than the other, and we know both come from a love of the game. We love the game too, and we have many of the same concerns and reports you do.

    Changing things isn't always a fast process. Sometimes it takes time, and we appreciate the patience that's often lent to us while we work our hardest to improve your experience as much as we can.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Thank you for taking your time and writing a response and giving us a small insight what was really going on.
    I will never judge you as a person (why would I?), I can only judge the D3-Team (and Blizzard) by the impressions I get. And the current impression was just like my post above. And there is still room for improvements for a more fluent communication and releasing thoughts about ideas for the future of D3 and thoughts about past implementations and changes. But this is its own topic.

    You may have obligations to this community, but there is no need to explain yourself for your personal decisions. And I wish your next vacations be D3-free. You are one of the pillars of this community (imo) and without your work I would have abandoned D3 long ago.

    And if anything, I would only judge Blizzard for things like this:

    even though I ended up spending most of my vacation playing D3, tracking issues, and writing up bug reports for when I got back into the office


    a deluge of 12-16 hour days

    And if anything, I'd admire your dedication, although it doesn't sound (and surely wasn't) healthy. I hope you have recovered and wish you the best.

    What's left to say:
    I am sorry that my post was harsh and angry and am thankful for your open response.

    I appreciate that. I may have gotten a bit defensive, but I'm sure you can understand that, as a person, I really love what I do for both my development team and my community. It's a big family that doesn't always agree, and, more often than not, I'm one of the referees in the middle of it when I'd much rather be part of the crew when these groups join together.

    Can't we all just get along? ;_; /s

    There will always be disagreements. But I do agree both sides could do better with communicating their needs and intents clearly. Anger and frustration often muddles intent and clarity, and more time needs to be made for direct lines of communication. I'll always be doing whatever I can to make that happen.
