
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Even with knowing there would be no Diablo announcements, I was still pretty bummed that there was NO Diablo content at all. Hoping for more Diablo stuff next con. A year from now :/

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Didn't have to be an announcement or anything huge really. Could've been something cool in development or even a cool event/voice actors, CM meet up etc. It got zero...that's as low as it gets and it bums me out.

    Zero is a bit hyperbolic. We had a VFX panel where we opened up to audience Q&A and a Community panel where we highlighted some of our most positive and incredible members of our community. We talked about the future too and, while there wasn't anything we could reveal at the time, it was fun to explore the speculations the community has. We also had an exclusive demo on the convention floor that was hand-crafted for our attendees, active signing booths for our developers, and honestly some of my favorite pieces of Diablo swag in the gear store.

    BlizzCon has two sides; there's the game content side and the celebration of our community. 2017 had an emphasis on the latter for Diablo. Blizzard is a company known for releasing projects "when they're ready."

    I still left BlizzCon feeling incredibly warm and thankful for the amazing folks that make up this community. There were many hugs and smiles, and a strong and bright sense of hope for the future in all the attendees I met. I'm sorry if that doesn't come through strongly enough; I'm certainly interested in feedback for how we can improve events like BlizzCon in the future when a game might not have something to announce. Even though I work on Diablo specifically, that kind of feedback is great for Blizzard as a whole and I'm happy to pass it on!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    If you want to skip some of the wall, jump to paragraph 3 for suggestion feedback. Wow, I didn't think I'd get a response from anyone blizzard. Thank you for reaching out. You are actually one of the people I was specifically thinking about when I wrote CM meetup. You've got such a strong passion for the game and are genuine in your approach to the gamers. I fully believe that you have been an instrument that has brought a lot of calm and happiness to the D3 community. Same type of passion that Wyatt and Josh brought to the D3 community.

    Your response deserves my full thought process on the Blizzcon perceived let down. First I want to give you some background to me. I remember my first steps into Diablo during a hurricane katrina school shut down in the mid 90's. My buddy got the game and I spent hours watching him play. After that I spent hours and days farming fireball and teleport spells, keeping up that mana shield. Then I carried on the adventure with D2. Ran mephisto runs for literally days at a time. I figured out the pattern to the Halls entrance 3 based off the entrance to level 2s waypoint positioning. Had to prove it to my friend because he thought I was using a Maphack. On to D3 after I passed the Act 2 inferno wall, I pressed hard to beat the game pre nerf with my monk using 2 daggers with life on hit and life steal combo. I play every season since, and I'm still having fun. I've played WC1-3, WoW since vanilla, All starcrafts(bunker wars hmu), all of hearthstone and a bit of Hots. Regarding Blizzcon, I've attended 2 and virtual ticketed 2 or 3.

    Blizzcon to me is a feeding frenzy. It's a peek into the mind of the developers that create the games that I play every day. The content has become so focused on "whats next???". But I feel strongly that 20+ years of Diablo has a TON to discuss. Devs or Blizz staff can share their stories behind the franchise. Fears/hopes/dreams/dashed hopes really any personal story that effected the game and led us to where we are currently. A "Diablo, then and now" panel would be awesome. Old timers in the community would love to see a franchise summary, and new members I imagine would enjoy seeing what it was back then.

    The panel's that I appreciate provide insight into the devs decision making process. Idea's that didn't pan out, and why they didn't work, then what they evolved into. Unused concept art and stories from devs that loved it or hated it!

    Free stuff? Oh man, people eat it up. If there was a live artist walking through their process of concept art and then attendees or VP holders could enter a raffle to win what the panel produced? Signed by blizz staff or the diablo team? Content of the art could be put to the crowd to clap for or input on what to draw out.

    That brings me to the audience participation. Wow and Hearthstone brought in "design a boss" or "clap for a card to implement" where the audience was interacting and effecting the game direction themselves was SUPER cool. Maybe the content doesn't have to end up in the game, but that connection between the gamers and the developers is really cool. Just spitballing ideas and riffing off eachother would be neat to watch. Design a legendary with the devs?

    This years Blizzcon Diablo content being lack luster to me was highlighted due to it's small footprint in the entire Blizzcon, 2 half hour panels one of which was centered around community members(not devs). Julian Love and Nevalistis' input was interesting and engaging. But it was only about 15 of the minutes of the VFX panel. I enjoyed hearing about how the player VFX are not applied to the party, and the evolution of the Bone Spear/Spirit. Show us, seeing what was being discussed would've been cool.

    I don't mean to come off critical and hating, I do have big love and commitment to your games. I love what you Nevalistis brings to the Diablo world. Other games have Ian Hazikostas and Ben Brode, Diablo has you. I'd like to listen to your passion for the game and what you've seen and experienced with the game/community and Diablo world. Totally looking forward to this Thursdays new season, and next Blizzcon. Hoping to go next year in person. And hoping to see some of the other cool types of panels that the other games have been doing being applied to the Diablo world. More dev content!

    tldr:More dev insight/interaction. Giveaways? 20+ years of Diablo recap/evolving stories.

    I appreciate the thoughtful and thorough feedback. We did have some technical difficulties with the VFX panel - we had computers set up in the back to show you the process of how we put things together, but unfortunately last minute we ran into VPN issues and, as with all live broadcasts, the show had to go on.

    We've been trying to steer away from retrospectives this year because, well, last year was our 20th Anniversary and, as a result, we did a lot of them. There's a balance to be sure, but since that had been a recurring theme, we didn't want to beat it into the ground.

    Thank you for your kind words, and for expressing your passion so constructively. It's exactly what our community needs more of. :)
