
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

The game is so dead..

...Blizzard is reposting old news on their blog.

Challenge rifts announced

Before anyone thinks that I am the biggest fan and I am refreshing their site all day - I am subscribed to their rss.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    This was written specifically as a guide and, if we're getting technical, for a specific purpose.

    We've been wanting to post the Challenge Rift of the Week in the launcher, but there's a limitation to that: the asset has to be linked to some kind of landing page. That's actually why I wrote this guide. It's meant to live forever so that, no matter when a person starts playing, they have a go-to guide on how to play this feature.

    The benefit is that everyone else who knows how to play them will be notified in the launcher which class build is active for the week. Just a quality of life improvement that I could personally make for the community. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I think it's just that the wording makes it sound like a new feature. Usually you don't say "Welcome to this thing" for a feature that has been around for a while.

    That is interesting though that you can't have a window in the bnet client that doesn't link to something.

    I do appreciate the feedback. :) Since it's still directed at those who may have never touched the feature, a welcome seemed appropriate. Certainly, this would have been better released as the feature overview, and I'm now thinking about how I can make articles feel more evergreen overtime so I don't have to duplicate content.

    Still, the reminder is always nice. I think a lot of people can easily forget how much things have changed. Set Dungeons are a great example - they've all gone through pretty significant changes and, while perhaps not a perfect feature, are nowhere near the difficulty they were at release.
