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[2/9] Suspensions and Leaderboard Removals - Diablo III Forums

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    So the banwave wasnt about botting.

    We very specifically do not comment about our bot banwaves (at request of our Risk Operations team). For this team in particular, botting is an ever-evolving "cold war" where it's better that we talk as little as possible about our detection methods, when we take actions, and our general approach.

    I know the community would really love insight on these things, but this information goes a long way to helping the botters fight back. To be clear, the quiet on this subject does not mean we aren't investigating, actioning, or developing new methods to combat bots. It's just a place where transparency actually hurts our end goal. :(

    We are committed to our Play Nice, Play Fair core value. As time passes and we continue our journey, we hope this becomes more evident to our dedicated players.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    How come we go whole season without seeing people with 23h+/day playtime banned though? Surely this wouldnt hurt detection methods and it a very big demotivator for legit players.

    A few reasons, many of which the community discusses among each other. But as I mentioned, it's a topic I just can't get into detail about.
