
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I am tired of waiting around wondering when the hell seasons is going to end and new seasons going to start. When new season is announced we should also get an end date. If season needs to be extended so be it but for Buddah's sake give us some goddamn dates

Especially with seasons that have no changes. I actually don't care if they don't change a single thing with the characters, gear, etc. There are 25-30+ builds between all of the classes to try out. What drives me krazy is not knowing when tf seasons are going to end. It's simple to add start and end dates. What would be the problem with this? The new stuff they add is probably one pet or some new portrait or two design. Those type of things don't hold up when new seasons are going to start unless their entire staff go on vacation for 2 months and 3 weeks then they get to work in creating those pets or new portraits.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    Traditionally, we have given at least a two week warning prior to the end of every season. That is still the plan. You all will know when we are, at least, two weeks out from the end of the Season.

    At that time, we'll also announce the start of the next Season so you can plan accordingly. That's the precedence we set with our first Season and intend to keep committing to for the foreseeable future.

    It's simple to add start and end dates. What would be the problem with this?

    There are a lot of reasons for having this buffer time, and most of them have nothing to do with development cycles or implementation. As just one example, we're a global company servicing a global community and localization is extremely important and fairly complicated. A two-week window is ample time to adjust to any changes that might pop up and we need to make and make sure those changes are communicated effectively in every language we support.

    Here's an example situation we'd like to avoid: Folks see at the start of the season that it will end at X time, but they miss the update three weeks later that there will be a delay. It isn't reasonable for us to expect every player to check the website, social media, or reddit every day or week (or even log in that frequently, for that matter). So, we make sure that our communications are centralized, fully localized, and globally coordinated. It's much easier to find information this way and less likely to be confusing if it's less subject to change.

    TLDR: Game development, and the communication around it, is complicated, yo.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    So you expect everyone to see the global two week notice but it’s unreasonable to have people see a mid-season global announcement for a delay? How on earth does that make any sense?

    Resources to push a centralized announcement, whether it be manpower, advertising power, impressive assets (what have you) are higher quality and more efficiently spent than fewer or weaker resources on multiple announcements.
