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Deciding between two support classes

Hey guys,

I've decided to play a support class this season. I played mostly solo in S5 and towards the end it became a little bit boring.

This season I have to choose between WD and Monk and I don't know which one to choose. I did play monk a couple of seasons back, but not support. Which one of the two is a more well rounded class? Meaning being able to do TX speed rifts too, solo GR, 4 man split bounties, maybe have a build with sage for DB farming etc.

Main focus will be support, but I want to be able to farm my gear on my own.

A constructive debate between the two classes will be helpful along with any other kind of information. How did you guys farmed items for your support class? Did your clan helped? Did you farm it yourself? Were you using alts? etc.

Thank you.

EDIT: typos and added more questions.

EDIT2: just saw philos's zDPS DH support build. Great. Now I'll have to take DH into consideration, too. He says zDPS DH will be in the new 4m group meta. What do you guys think?

  • Realz

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    This is a really, really subjective question that really depends on a person's preferences.

    Both classes have builds that do very well as pure support in group, but WD seems to be the more consistently desired in that role.

    Both do very well TX rift and bounty farm, but Monk seems to be the faster one in that role.

    Both can solo GR with multiple different builds up to at least pretty high, unsure which will be better in that role.

    About gearing - I was able to gear a support monk in s5 pretty well by playing... my Wizard. Yep. Int on gear is just as good as Dex on a support Monk, and a lot of items aren't class-specific. For the Monk-only items, I just spent a few days spending my Blood Shards on the Monk whenever I capped them, then went back to farming on the Wizard =P

    Both are really powerful and group-friendly. Personally I like (remember how I said it was subjective?) Monk support a bit better, because I get to help with the group's positioning and help dictate the pace of the group, as where WD feels much more like a true tagalong.

    But really, it's up to you! GL!
