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Season 6 best solo class?

Hi, I played S5 for ~2weeks, did interesting stuff and quit.. No idea what has changed since that. So I'm looking for advice which class to play in S6. Played crusader in S5 and witch doctor in S4 so naturally I won't play any of those.

So which of remaining classes is best for S6 solo play (Barb/DH/Wiz/monk). Requirements: being able to efficiently clear GR~70, not too squishy (where you have to fish GR from early on).

I would love to play DH, but I'm afraid I'll be getting 1shotted from GR60 or so... and with those nasty dashing monsters it's damn frustrating to dodge everything...

  • Realz

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Barb and DH will both be able to do what you're looking for --- You already seem to be leaning DH, so just go for it! =)
