
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Rolia 78 GR clear. M6 Physical DH. Educational video.

Hi! I made a post about this on the D3DH subreddit as well. I figured I'd post my video here too for those DH's that are interested in learning how to combat the higher leveled rifts through learning the playstyle of the build. The video I made is just for fun and for educational purposes. There is no voice or game sounds, I say everything in annotations. I'm not trying to be the next biggest youtuber or anything, it's just a hobby. This is my first video so I'm sorry if it's rather terrible.

If you would like to see another video I'm thinking about doing one for my 80 that I'm going to be attempting tonight. Check back later in the week either here or on the D3DH subbreddit for another video I your interested! If you have any questions or comments leave them here or in the video and I'll answer them.

Enjoy! :)

  • Realz

    Posted 8 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    It would be much better to 'bake' the written commentary into the video itself instead of adding annotations.

    Just my 2cp.
