
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Thanks Brandy!

This ends 9 Months of silence on D3. I'm sure everyone has already seen the video

I wanted to thank Brandy and the rest of the D3 team for reaching out and reassuring everyone, Its much appreciated since we now have a better idea of whats happening with a game franchise we enjoy. Personally I hope there is some continued development on D3 with D4 in the works, while a D2 remaster would be great for many people I wouldn't mind a few other changes to the D2 experience such as a different inventory for rune wards etc (I like being able to pick things up)

Anyway, it was so good to see some positivity in the community especially the reactions of many streamers who have been playing the game for years.

I wish the team luck with development hell and if you have a few minutes to spare for writing any story content maybe consider saving Leah's soul

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I'm happy to pass on the feedback. Thank you guys so much for the kind words and warm reception. This was a passion project for me, and I meant every word I said in that video. I hope it shows; from the community reaction, I think it has. :)

    Most of all, I hope this reassures you that I truly mean it when I say, "I can't wait to tell you more." When we can, we will!
