
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I don't know if blizz diablo devs is reading dis sub anymore but i would like to ask one thing

I am a player who REALLY likes to customise everything and everywhere. I have tons of alts in WoW and every one of them have like 3-4 transmog sets saved for every spec. When i first learned that there will be same transmog system in d3 i was happy like it was my birthday. Now i have like 2-3 transmog sets on every character in d3, but it is hard to collect them becouse they bound to an item. And one item often goes in many builds.

So a question or a suggestion. Could you please add a tab in armory to save our transmog like we do in WoW?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Always happy to pass on the feedback!
