
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

UPDATED! /r/Diablo at Blizzcon 2018

Hey everyone!

Blizzcon is this weekend! Hope everyone is ready!

/u/iBleeedorange, /u/Taffer, /u/Xiphirx, /u/Chaosteil, /u/Thunderclaww and myself will all be in attendance this year. We will have sweet stickers to pass out during the convention and, more importantly, during our annual Reddit meet-up!

We will be hosting the meet-up at 11AM on Saturday, November 3rd at the arch in the Darkmoon Faire. Join us and mods from the other Blizzard subreddits as we hang out, chat, trade pins, complain about our RNG, etc etc. We usually hang around for about an hour.

We will also be running a live thread all weekend long to keep you current on any Diablo-related news and other happenings from around the convention.

Join our Blizzcon Discord Channel here:

UPDATE: We have received word that we will be taking part in two interviews this year. The first will be a group interview directly following the "What's Next" panel. The second will be an individual interview with a couple of developers from the Diablo team. We will create a thread soliciting questions for this interview after the group interview. The individual interview will be recorded and we will put that up as soon as we can (most likely after we return home from the convention.) If there is any particularly interesting news that comes out of it, we will make a separate thread with that.

What: Blizzcon Reddit Meet-Up
When: Saturday, November 3rd at 11:00AM
Where: Darkmoon Faire near the arch.
Loot: We have stickers!
Live Thread:
Two interviews scheduled for Friday. Group interview after panel and individual interview later in the day.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I demand expect hugs.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    How about the highest of fives?

    I'm reaaaaaaally short, but I'll do my best.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I'm not a hugger, Moose.

    I also accept high fives or simple shared head nods from across the hall.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are you gonna take part in any of the panels this year? Or are you enjoying the con as a fan this year?

    I won't be a panelist this year, but I will be helping moderate at both Diablo panels.

    I do have a little more roaming freedom this year than I have in the past (which is a first and I'm pretty stoked for), but I'm still on-call for the whole of it, should any of my teammates need me. :)
