
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

When does 2.6.4 become playable for non-season characters? Is it not until the next season starts?

I mean to say, do the damage buffs and stuff not start until the next season start, or will 2.6.4 be implemented sometime soon?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Patch 2.6.4 will launch prior to the start of Season 16, but after the end of Season 15. Once the patch goes live, all the changes included in the patch will be available for non Seasonal players to enjoy!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Hi Nevalistis, all patch features will be applicable to non-season, except for the RoG feature of S16, am I right?

    That's what the patch notes said, but I am totally cool if it is expanded to non-seasonal era. :D

    I really don't like seasonal play, but I am guessing you are insistent on keeping RoG effect to seasonal play only...

    That is correct; the current plan is for the RoRG buff to be Seasonal only. This way it does not impact the currently running Era and their leaderboards.
