
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Blues on Reaver, Echoing Fury and Executioner new legendary powers and PTR ending

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    So no extra stash tabs?

    What is the issue with more 6 or 7% stored items?

    It can't be data limits as storage continues to get cheaper.

    This post, which is referenced in the forum post I made linked above, has the details.

    The TLDR version is that not just items, but gems, are actors and there's a limitation to how many actors we can load in a game instance before we break things. We are already as close to that limit as we are comfortable.

    For more details... well, read the post above. :) I've spent way too much time repeating myself already on this topic.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hi Nev - not asking to increase stash space, but more so just wondering on a related topic, could non-legendary gems be offloaded into a UI element similar to Blood Shards & Gold & Crafting Materials? I.e. stored as an integer instead of discrete items in the inventory/stash with a three-click process to 'socket' one into an item (click to open UI, click appropriate piece of the UI, then click the item in question)? For converting gems, maybe Kanai's Cube can have 1 button added that pulls up that same UI, and when Kanai's Cube is open, clicking the 'apply gem' button from the UI (click 2 in the three-click idea above) moves them into Kanai's Cube, with the same option/method to modify the amount moved as moving gems from inventory currently. (And closing Kanai's Cube with any gems in it reverts them to existing only in the UI.)

    That's some pretty significant engineering work. I'd probably put it as unlikely, but it's certainly a QoL request we've seen a lot.
