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DiabloFans Has Returned! Here Is Our Season 18 Mega-Post!

Hey everyone!

For those of you who haven't heard the good news, DiabloFans has re-opened its doors! Many of you are aware that DiabloFans had unfortunately shut down earlier this year. However, in June, the company Magic Find purchased the site from Curse--alongside MMO-Champion and Hearthpwn--and has brought the site back to life!

To celebrate our first season back, we have compiled this comprehensive Season 18 Mega-Post! It includes a countdown to the start of the season in each region, starter guides from u/Bluddshed and u/Rattlez, information on the Solo Self-Found League & the Level With a Cause charity event, and more!

Our build tool should be updated with the new items from patch 2.6.6 before the start of the season for those who are excited to share their Season 18 builds! Myself and u/neinball are excited to be leading DiabloFans forward in a new community-focused direction, and can't wait to see what the future holds!

See you all in Season 18!


  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Welcome back in full force, DiabloFans. You've been missed. <3

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