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More Greater Rift tileset diversity! No more caves!

Posted earlier in PTR. I'm sure just about everyone is sick of the long winding caves! Thanks to CM u/Blizz_Kauza --

Hey all,

We agree that cave maps aren't fitting in with what we want the Greater Rift experience to be. Here's something we're trying out in the latest PTR hotfixes.

Medium and Large cave maps will no longer appear as Greater Rifts. Population within small cave maps has been increased for Greater Rifts. (12/1)

EDIT [Update]: As per u/Blizz_Kauza post in - Spider Caves aren't classified as caves needed fixing (eg. the Caverns of Aranae tilesets).

[Update]: As per u/WyattCheng clarification in - You still get the little caves but not the shitty low density medium/large ones anymore.


TL:DR = You get good randomized GR layouts now including varieties of the newer tilesets (like Ruins of Sescheron/Greyhollow etc). Have fun rifting!

  • Kauza

    Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Just echoing an answer to a concern raised over on the forums: those spider-filled tilesets don't fall under the caves that we addressed in the hotfix, so they have not been changed or removed from Greater Rift tilesets.

    Spiders for days.
