
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Have guest passes to give away? Need a guest pass? Post here!

Several redditors are waiting for their retail copies of Diablo III to arrive in the mail, while others have their copy now. Maybe we can work something out?

If you need a guest pass:

  • Begin your post with "NEED X guest pass(es)" if you need one or more guest passes. Feel free to differentiate yourself by offering a sad story or unique services.
  • Don't post your e-mail address. You will be sent a key using the reddit private message system.
  • Edit your posts when you get your pass(es) to indicate you've received them, and send a thanks to the person who sends you a pass to let them know you've used it.
  • Check your messages at least once every 24 hours to make sure someone else won't get the guest pass(es) sent to you.
  • If you receive a guest pass in this thread, pay it forward. Come back when you get your copy and share at least as many passes as you received.
  • If you receive too many passes, let the person that gave you the extra know!

If you have guest passes:

  • Fill requests for guest passes by sending keys using the reddit private message system.
  • Reply to the requests you fill, indicating you have sent that user a guest pass. This prevents someone else from sending a key to the same person.
  • After filling a request, give that person 24 hours to respond. If they don't seem active, give the pass to someone else, but let the next person know the key may have been used already.
  • These are your passes, so give them away however you want -- sort by old, pick your favorite story, or look for someone making an offer -- the important thing is you give the passes away. They are useless 30 days after launch.

Don't be discouraged by a large number of posts

Every box should come with three passes, but most early copies won't arrive until the 14th. Keep an eye on your messages leading up to that day, and don't forget to update your post once you have a key.

If you didn't get any guest passes with your box copy

Bashiok has indicated there is no way to request additional or replacement guest passes.


Official Blizzard Guest Pass Explanation Page

How to Add a Guest Pass to Your Account


I made a crosspost in r/gaming 20 hours before launch. I'd like to bring in as many people as possible to share keys. Let's hope for 100 generous redditors with retail copies. If you want to pull the r/gaming community in here too, upvote that post to the front page.

  • JeffExpress

    Posted 12 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    Got 1!!! Thanks!!

    ~NEED 1 guest pass!~

    My friend wants to try out D3, but isn't sure if his computer can play it well enough. I told him he needs to buy a new machine, but apparently having a baby last week is more important ;)
