
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

What was your first experience with the Diablo series?

When I was a little kid I remember watching my dad play, and I'd either watch or use potions when he was low on life/mana. I memorized the quest lines that the wounded towns person gave to the player and got in trouble when my mom heard me say "bastard". Of course not long after I got diablo 2 and Starcraft and learned a lot more on the early days.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Diablo 2 was my first introduction.

    I was really into tabletop RPGs in high school, and made friends with a girl in gym class because I had my D&D Player's Handbook out during attendance. She let me know her family was super into D&D and her mom DM'd for them and we hit it off since we shared a lot of hobbies.

    Cut to one of the days I was hanging out at her house playing video games, I was showing her a compilation I had of all these older, classic D&D based games (Eye of the Beholder, Hillsfar, Menzoberranzan, etc) and her mom walked by as we were building a character. She smiled and said, "I have a game for you."

    I left that day with her copy of Diablo 2 (though without the expansion, since "I'm using this disk, but you can borrow the original for a while"). I played for quite some time, rolled my first Bowazon, and had a lot of fun before making sure to return it. I was sort of a straight-laced, if weird, kid.

    I certainly didn't play as much Diablo 2 as others did (my fiance likes to boast about his several accounts for hoarding gear, and how one was entirely dedicated to just the Necromancer), but I remember the experience very vividly and, without it, I certainly wouldn't be where I am now. :)

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