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Any news about D3 Season 19 and the Patch... ?

So with all the D4 stuff spamming this subreddit... what is the news on above topic please? I heard there were nerfs... ?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    There are some small nerfs. Go check the PTR patch notes for patch 2.6.7.

    Should probably come out in 2-3 weeks! It sorta went dark just before Blizzcon, for obvious reasons. Maybe /u/Nevalistis knows more about when the S19 preview article is coming?

    I'm currently writing it. It's admittedly a little behind, I caught the BlizzCon Plague and have been fighting it off all week. Odds are it'll get out a little later than I'd like as a result, but doing my best to hit all our deadlines right now. <3

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