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Update on Season 19 Start and future Seasons

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I’m not trying to trash them but they still cant handle seasons? Season 19 and they are acting like this was the first one. The season itself is 3 months, but the blog is delaying being written why exactly? It’s a copy paste of the ptr patch notes with a few sentences on top. I don’t see how people optimistically look towards d4 with the way they have handled this game throughout the entire life of d3.

    It's not quite that simple. Every blog has a process that has to go through multiple hoops before publishing:

    • Asset creation (including approvals from the art team + localization in 13 languages)
    • Development review (for ensuring all info in the blog is fact-accurate)
    • Editorial review (for catching grammar issues and making sure our internal style guides are followed)
    • Localization (again, in 13 languages)
    • Delivery, the part where I actually make the HTML things happen, which then gets replicated in all our localized regions by my regional counterparts

    While some of these things happen in tandem, others have to follow an order and bottlenecking can, and will, happen.

    Delays in this case happened because of me, and I take ownership of that. I didn't ask for more help when I clearly needed it, and bit off more than I could chew around BlizzCon. I'm working with my team to rectify that and trying not to punish myself too badly for being overly ambitious. After all, it got me sick. :| I can do better, but that has to start by taking care of myself first.

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