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Blue Post: System Design in Diablo IV (Part I)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I am completely missing the point of skill customization coming ONLY from legendaries. This design locks too many item slots into a specific legendary and makes every other drop for that slot meaningless. PLEASE revisit that design decision!

    Bear in mind that Itemization, specifically, is getting its own dedicated blog because of how in-depth that topic is. This one was targeted at being a bit more broad and as a set-up for future discussions. :)

    While I don't think we'll have the answers to every question currently out there, I also think it's important to look at the topics around Diablo IV beyond the lens of just Diablo III specifically. As a new entry to the franchise, it is its own game, and the intent is to evolve from and build upon every iteration of Diablo that came before it, not just the one previous. I see a lot of community back and forth between comparisons of D4 to D2 or D4 to D3, or D2 to D3—no single one of those comparisons is being considered in a vacuum, they're all important.

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