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Necromancer Beta - Blood Set w/Skeleton Mage Build

Greetings Again Nephalem!

So I've REALLY been trying to make the Skeleton Mage skill work in a build. I think the Blood Set is where it will find a home. I tried incorporating it into the Bone Set (Pet set) but just couldn't find a good fit for it. Too many other pet skills are simply better for that set. I don't want pets. I main a WD. I want mini-wizards-of-death! The gameplay is fun and challenging on higher difficulties (Don't roll your eyes at me on my GR57 clear, damage numbers aren't tweaked yet). Trying to keep a steady supply of life regen and corpses available for essence is tricky. I really can't wait to see some supporting legendaries to help the skill. Right now in the cube there are two legendary abilities listed that could help.

  • A phylactery that states Skeleton Mages last an additional 1 second (Boo on 1 second. Lets make it up to like 10).
  • And a 2-Hand Scythe that states Damage reduction is increased X amount for every 2% life missing.

Other thoughts on supporting legendaries would be something similar Fazula's Improbable Chain (Archon Stacks on Wizard), but the problem is that the Blood Cascade buff is only on the Blood Set. A non-set legendary wouldn't make sense. The bottom line is that we need an item to help boost the ramp-up speed. You'll notice in the video that it took me the whole rift to generate 50+ stacks, which don't get me wrong, is a shit-ton (metric) of damage (200% per stack). I'm not expecting to hit that number in like 10 seconds or anything. Just a small nudge would be good.

Life missing is unavoidable the more stacks of Blood Cascade you acquire. I feel like we could manage to throw Shi Mizu's Haori in the mix, but Tasker and Theo seems to valuable to pass up. Hey Blizz, maybe make the set 7 pieces instead of 6. K, thx.

Blood Set Description for reference: HERE

Skills Used: HERE

GR57 Video: HERE

Hope everyone gets their beta invite to help Necromancer become all that she can be!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    There was another guy who spammed and healed by the healer in town to build stacks before entering rift. Effective, but a bit cheesy. I think they'll tweak this system a bit. Lower stacks and more dmg reduction per stack perhaps.

    Yeah... I wouldn't expect this tactic to stick around.
