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Blessed Shield procs Roland's Legacy, bug or underdeveloped feature?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Nooooooo please keep this in and develop it further... it is so much fun and finally something new and refreshing for Crusader!! Please guys, do not take the easy way again and just patch it out... keep on it, rework it properly for the next patch!!

    If it was something we could easily do, we certainly would be doing it. :( That's just not the case here.

    We're very focused on Patch 2.6.0 right now. We're hunkered down making sure the Necromancer is as awesome as it can possibly be; I can't make any promises we'll return this implementation, but we are certainly aware that Crusaders would like to see more options with Blessed Shield and we're always watching player feedback and suggestions.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Hey guys! A couple of days ago a guy from reddit pm'ed me with an interesting info. He found out that Blessed Shield procs Roland's Legacy 6pc bonus. I wonder if it's a bug or potentially viable underdeveloped feature... let's find out and try this in action!
    We've been asking this for a loooong loooong time and hopefully adding Blessed Shield to 2 and 4pc bonuses of Roland will happen.

    I wonder if it's a bug or potentially viable underdeveloped feature...

    Technically, it's both. During the Patch 2.5.0 PTR, we experimented internally with the idea of adding Blessed Shield to Roland's. Unfortunately, technical issues arose that prevented us from moving forward with the design, so the concept was nixed.

    It was an idea we really liked directly from the community, and we do little experiments like this all the time. Sometimes they work and we permanently add them in and other times, like here, it just doesn't work out. Because performance issues can arise as a result of this interaction, we'll be hotfixing this interaction back out as intended.
