
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Challenge Rifts - Week 2

Threw together a little map to give everyone an edge on this week's Challenge Rift. Each point on the map is the location of a rare or champion pack. I've been pushing it myself to see just how far I can get.

I'd love to see what you all can do with these kinds of resources available. Our developers internally will often create maps like this to help them push, and I'd love to see these kinds of efforts come together in the community too! I know it's something that's keeping my attention. Let me know how your experience goes if you give it a try. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    So, what kind of feedback are you looking for on this?

    One thing I think is a bit of an issue is how low level both this and the last rift were relative to the power of the characters we're given. This is a 39, but this character could probably do a 60.

    1) This makes times incredibly short. I did it in just over 3 minutes with 1 try and the current lowest time is 1:54. Based on the leaderboards only 214 other people have even tried this, so if we were on live with thousands doing it times would be even more compressed. It won't be very fun to go from 1:30.86 to 1:30.43 to get on the leaderboards. I think we should be doing rifts that would take about the full time "fresh", ie having seen nothing of it. Then given practice and optimization players will probably whittle it down to half that.

    2) It really magnifies luck and latency over skill and decision making. When everything dies so easily it's a really big deal if one mob runs the wrong direction for a second or your ping is too high to animation cancel while moving. On the other hand if you screw up your rotation (as I did) mobs still die pretty much as fast since they're so squishy.

    I'm hesitant to say what I'm looking for because I don't want it to guide people's thoughts or taint opinions with my own. Ah, the challenges of Community Management! :)

    That said, I'm glad you've shared your thoughts with us. Challenge Rift builds aren't "hand-selected." They're selected by a complicated and thorough algorithm that takes different factors into account. Sharing what you thought of a particular Challenge Rift's experience can help us tune that algorithm over time to ensure a more consistently varied (lol dat phrasing) experience.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    is there a big contingent of the diablo community that's exclusive to facebook that we here don't even know about? if so, that's pretty interesting! i wonder what demographics differences there are.

    In terms of our social media platforms, Facebook is one of our most active. I think it's easy to forget that we have, in general, an older audience. In terms of social media science™, Facebook is still the platform for older audiences, so it behooves us to make sure they're included in our community efforts too!

    Diablo is a really interesting study in terms of community management science. We're more of several micro communities rather than one large, collective group, and each of those micro communities is vastly different in their opinions and interests. That's not a problem, but it can make it tricky on our end when communicating.

    I could ramble on about this for a while, but I'll save you all the lecture. ;P

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    please don't stream on facebook

    We actually get a huge audience on Facebook, so it's valuable to continue using it. However, I know a lot of "core" folks prefer Twitch, so it may be a matter of seeing what works best or swapping back and forth from time to time. There may be some other software solutions too.

    Basically, I can't promise we'll never stream on Facebook again; but I can say I hear the concerns and I'll see what I can do about it.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I know I have a few beta testers in here sharing their experiences; hope those of you awaiting an invite find the experience interesting too!

    Out of curiosity, is this something you guys would like to see me stream sometime? Would watching my failures take some of the sting out of limited access?
