
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

This might not seem like a big achievement to everyone but I just beat GR 87 with Impale DH and got ranked for the first time ever playing D3 and I'm fucking excited

The build in my profile is what I used to beat GR 87, Rank 752 and will be the same build for 24 hours. Like I said it probably doesn't seem like a big achievement to most people but it's a big deal to me cause I never accomplished anything in any game ever until now. Makes me want to keep on getting better so I can stay ranked.

Any suggestions on what to improve besides getting the rest of my non ancient gear to ancient? Plus my follower's gear sucks ass. I am too lazy to gear my templar up. Maybe that alone would add one or more lvls.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I just want to say I love seeing these threads. :) Never feel like your accomplishments are diminished by someone else's achievements; they're impressive feats nonetheless (hell, I'm a pleb casual myself) and it's a great feeling no matter how you compare to anyone else.

    Congratulations, and good luck in your continued pushes!
