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Necro vs Hamelin

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Revive is legitimately broken at the moment.

    If you're offering clarification, could you give some explanation for how Revive is supposed to work?

    1. Is it safe to assume that it's intended to be %weapon damage based, regardless of difficulty etc.?

    2. Does Revive scale with your toughness?

    3. Does Revive scale with your attack speed?

    4. Is Revive supposed to work with Tasker and Theo, as well as Enforcer? (e.g. Are they pets, or just the new category of "Minions" described in Frailty/Grisly Tribute/Extended Servitude?)

    5. What is the cap on revived enemies?

    I can't really answer your exact questions, because I don't have those details right now, but I can give you some rough insight.

    We want Revive to be at least partially reflective of both your character's personal power as well as the power relative to the enemies you're resurrecting. It would feel really weird, for example, if you Revived a Mallet Lord and he seemed no better than Reviving a Fallen Grunt. I guess the short answer is there will most likely be contributing factors from both ends, I just don't know exactly how that formula plays out right now.

    Revive should be treated as a pet skill AFAIK, and I believe the current cap is 10. Beta caveat: everything is always subject to change. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    There are a few things that could be happening here, but the culprit is most likely Revive (though I imagine Frailty (Scent of Blood) is also playing a part here).

    The reason why, and this information is available to all Beta Testers in our private forums, is because Revive is legitimately broken at the moment. Revive is a beastly skill from a technical standpoint, and not all the tech required to make it work (and more importantly, actively balance it) is in the Beta yet. So while we're happy folks are having fun with Revive, testing or comparing the balance of the Necromancer class around it doesn't help us very much right now.

    Just, you know, clarification here. :)
