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Tips for getting into the Necromancer Beta

Hey everyone,

The Necromancer beta should be just around the corner, and I have some helpful tips for everyone on how to maximize their chances of getting into the beta.

  1. Necromancers are all about raising the dead, right? So the first step is find the closest cemetary and set up shop there for a few weeks. Bonus points if your house is built on a sacred burial ground.

  2. Start digging up old graves so you can learn about the difference between the tibia and the fibula and all the other ones. Figure out which bones can best be used as a spear vs a wall. Set aside any that feel particularly spiritual.

  3. Now, you don't want to put those bones to waste, so you might as well start incorporating them into your clothes.

  4. Find a whole lot of clay and start practicing your golem sculpting. You're going to want to experiment with the consistency, as you don't want the clay to be falling apart when it's animated. Once you've mastered that, you can move onto the more advanced versions that require blood, iron, and fire.

  5. If anyone approaches you, starting cursing them. I'm not talking about your run of the mill "Your mother is worse than Kadala" curses. I'm talking "May your bones become enfeebled, your eyes fail you, and your mind abandon you for every step you take towards me. And your mother is worse than Kadala."

  6. Start taking poison with your meals, so that you can build up an immunity to it. Trust me, you're going to need it.

  7. You want to also start building up a reputation of being the best at necking. You want to be known as the "Neck Romancer".

If you follow this guide, you will definitely get into the Necromancer beta! No bamboozle

Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I've never seen a more apt use of the "Quality Post" tag.
