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Lower Heartharena Scores?

Has anyone noticed a lower overall score on their Heartharena decks since July started?

The arena game shifted to Standard a few months ago and my average HA deck scored around 70.4 (30 runs)

Now since July started, I'm 11 runs in and my average score is 67.2

Did Blizzard change something with the given card quality? Or did Heartharena just adjust the value of their cards moving into July?

Any information is appreciated.

  • Iksar

    Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    People still think this but its not true. The way Hearthstone is built they cannot just continue applying small tweaks that we experience whithout a patch. Acording to IksarHS the big ammount of small tweaks will be live with the upcoming patch. I think that was I read on his latests comments.

    We can change any number of card rates without a patch. The things that require a patch live in the client, the things that don't require a patch live on the server. All the information that dictates what cards are or are not available live on the server.

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