
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Iksar-"Based on all the changes we made... some cards had changes from 8.2 --> 8.4 in the 10% range. The secondary layered adjustment outlined in the end of the arena post in the patch notes was almost always 2-5%"

What? There is only one change to offering odds between 8.2 and 8.4 listed in the patch notes (aside from fledgling being removed). How does 2-5% * (????) =10%. What is the ???? (clearly it must be some number between 2 and 5, but why?)?

It sounds like he is saying that some base offering rate changes by 5% and then gets affected by class bonus, set bonus, and spell/weapon bonus... but that should still only be a 5% change since

(Base x 1.05) x Mod1 x Mod2=(Base x Mod1 x Mod2) x 1.05, So I'm not sure what he means. (by the way this is a result of the commutative property of multiplication!)

What other changes were made to arena that somehow doubled the rate of the micro changes?

Could he be refering to the Un'goro bonus being reduced to 1.5x from 2x? That was awhile ago though. And I believe the timeline most people are considering is post Un'goro bonus reduction and post weapon bonus.

Aside: Also is this true? "Class Spells and Weapons are +175% more common than neutral cards." Remember class cards appear 100% more often than neutral cards. So the spell/weapon bonus (when compared to other class cards; this is usually what we mean we refer to spell bonus right?) is really just (spell bonus compared to neutral)/(class card bonus) =2.75/2=1.375 or 37.5%? (FYI +175% means 100%+175%)

Iksar full quote:

"My above post was a little unclear, I editing some of the wording. Based on all the changes we made, including the numbers behind rarity distribution and set distribution, some cards had changes from 8.2 --> 8.4 in the 10% range. The secondary layered adjustment outlined in the end of the arena post in the patch notes was almost always 2-5%. There are of course exceptions, though... like Fledgling, Flamestrike, Quest Cards, Abyssal Enforcer, etc. In terms of looking bad, negative feedback is not the goal but it is okay to receive. It only helps us get more opinions on the direction we should be heading. We've talked a number of times in person and I'm sure we'll continue to trade strong opinions in the future :)."

(8.2 patches had no offering odds changes to arena)

8.4 Patch notes that even remotely had to do with arena (actual offering odds related changes in bold):

" Note: Neutral cards form the basis for draft appearance rates.

On average, Arena runs consist of 60% Common, 28% Rare, 10% Epic, and about 2% Legendary cards.

Class minions are +100% more common than neutral cards.

Class Spells and Weapons are +175% more common than neutral cards.

Journey to Un'Goro cards receive an additional +50% increase in their appearance rate.

The following cards are unavailable in arena Jungle Giants, The Marsh Queen, Open the Waygate, The Last Kaleidosaur, Awaken the Makers, The Caverns Below, Unite the Murlocs, Lakkari Sacrifice, Fire Plume’s Heart, Klaxxi Amber Weaver, Dark Arakkoa, Cult Sorcerer, Hooded Acolyte, Twilight Darkmender, Blade of C’Thun, Usher of Souls, Ancient Shieldbearer, Twilight Geomancer, Disciple of C’Thun, Twilight Elder, C’Thun’s Chosen, Crazed Worshipper, Skeram Cultist, Twin Emperor Vek’lor, Doomcaller, C’Thun, Dust Devil, Totemic Might, Ancestral Healing, Windspeaker, Sacrificial Pact, Sense Demons, Faceless Summoner, Succubus, Savagery, Soul of the Forest, Mark of Nature, Warsong Commander, Rampage, Starving Buzzard, Timber Wolf, Snipe, Mind Blast, Lightwell, Purify and Inner Fire. Flamestrike, Abyssal Enforcer, and Vicious Fledgling will appear in drafts 50% less often.

Neutral cards from the Classic and Basic set appear 50% less often.

Popular cards had small drop rate changes to address class balance concerns. (Note - These changes range from 1-5%. They are small enough that they are unlikely to be noticed during an individual draft, but should have enough cumulative impact to help improve class balance.)

We’re working to improve the Arena experience, and your feedback is always appreciated!

The following minions are now Elementals: Jade Spirit, Djinni of Zephyrs, Flame of Azzinoth, Mana Geode, and Hallazeal, the Ascended. "

  • Iksar

    Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    For a simpler explanation of why things go some horribly wrong when people try to explain with English instead of equations (and no, the irony is not lost on me):

    Adam sells widgets. He gets a 20% commission on each he sells. Adam sells $100 of widgets and gets $20.

    Ben Boss comes along and wants to drive more sales. He tells Adam, "I'm increasing your commission 5% this week."

    So Adam sells 200 widgets this week. He expects to get $50. Ben pays him $42.

    Ben didn't lie. Adam's 21% commission is 5% greater than a 20% commission. But Ben could've just as easily meant Adam's commission was going to be 25%. Now Adam hates Ben's guts and Ben probably deserves it.

    Damn you Ben.

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