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Abyssal Enforcer and Flamestrike offering rate?

In the arena update preview in bnetforums ( ) they mentioned an offering rate reduction of Abyssal Enforcer and Flamestrike by 50%, this was also discussed in the most recent lightforge but it is not mentioned in the patch notes, so my question is did they change the offering rate or not?

By the way i don't agree with adwcta and merps here: they basically said it's stupid to change the rate of those cards because the only reason is many people complain about them. Imo flamestrike (which i think is not op just a fine card) should have been made a rare for quite some time, then it would be offered less and that's similar to what's happening now. You can't assume that the offeringrate of any card and card raritiy is correct from the beginning and any change even without an obvious reason is a bad decision.

  • Iksar

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    The reason was in fact because the perception in power level of those two cards was extremely high. There are many cards that have similar effects, but sometimes addressing perception is okay. At least for the initial changes, we didn't want to have a huge curated list of cards with special offering rates, but if people feel like they lose to Flamestrike and Abyssal a bit less then that win was worth the slight clunkyness of adjusting 2 individual cards to us in the short-term.

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