
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Arena Balance Update January 9th

  • Iksar

    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I asked in the main subreddit thread for buckets. Dunno if I’ll get a response but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

    Buckets are unchanged. The general pipleline is:

    1. Release the set
    2. Collect one week of data
    3. Review potential bucket changes, make those changes within 1-2 weeks
    4. Publish new buckets
    5. Collect one week of data
    6. Review potential micro-adjustment changes, make those changes with 1-2 weeks
    7. Notify players micro-adjustments were made, and which classes were intended to be made weaker/stronger
  • Iksar

    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for the reply! Is the cycle of bucket/micro-adjustment changes to continue over the life of a set barring events like Wild or dual class?

    We'll check it again after another month or so to see if anything has drastically changed. We'll also adjust buckets when we make balance adjustments to cards.

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