
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Battleground Changes: How will the Game change?



  • Primalfin Lookout
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4
  • Voidlord
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 6 to Tavern Tier 5
  • Junkbot
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5
  • Coldlight Seer
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 3 to Tavern Tier 2

New Heroes:

  • Elise (Passive: When you upgrade your tavern, get a "Recruitment Map" (3 coins: Discover a minion from the tier you upgraded to))
  • Sir Finley (1 Mana: Give a random friendly minion +1/+1, sell a minion to refresh this)
  • Brann (Passive: After you play a Battlecry minion, give a random friendly minion +1/+1)
  • Sindragosa (Passive: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +1/+1)

Heroes Removed:

  • King Mukla
  • Giantfin
  • Millificent Manastorm
  • Lich Baz'hial

Ranking System:

  • We’ve made adjustments to the number of points given for first place. In the original system, you got 240 points for a first place on your first game, and 24 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game. Now, you will get 190 pts for a first place on your first game and 95 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game.

  • Mike Donais

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    I'm curious where you got that data. Innkeeper data shows that Millificent and Jaraxxus were the top 2 (Mukla 4th), and Giantfin and Putricide were the worst. That was a few days ago, though.

    Which 2 are the best and worst depends what rating group you look at and if you look at players with a few games or a lot of games played.

    We didn't literally take the best and worst 2 because that isn't a black and white value. We picked some that we thought we should rotate out that were at the top and bottom. In the future we will use client side balance patches so we can change numbers.

    Hopefully over time we can balance the most fun heroes and maybe go over 24 heroes too.

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