
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Stukov's Massive Shove might be the ultimate counter to DK and Garden Terror

Back in the days, Diablo could Shadow Charge and Overpower the Vehicles away from your own structures.

The other better way was to waste Mighty Gust only to see them coming back in a couple seconds.

Stitches can do that too, but in order to save your structures, either Stitches needs to be alone on the enemy side of the map, or he can hook then through terrain, with the risk of the enemy team collapsing on him.

Currently Artanis' swap is a decent defense tool.

But now let's imagine Stukov defending a keep in GoT. You wait for the Garden Terror to come close, drop the pot and boom, Shove it away all the way back to one of his forts, possibly to his own keep wall.

This move could just save the keep from a late game terror, while the enemy team is left 4v5, under your keep and without any sieging tool.

It just seems cool to me.

Too cool maybe?

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    We playtested this for a long time, and it was REALLY REALLY GOOD. Our team had concerns that it ruined the balance of any map that might use a vehicle, and rather than having to nerf it's ability to affect Heroes we decided to have it not hit Vehicles (similar to Cursed Bullet on Greymane).

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Have y'all thought about Hammer not being able to unsiege if she is silenced by Stukov's E? Is that unintended or are hammer players just SoL?

    Yes, we are also going to allow Sgt. Hammer to Unsiege, even if Silenced. I think it'll be changed before it goes live, unless we run into some complications.

    This was something we went back and forth on for a while internally, and at the end of the day it just felt too mean to kill Sgt. Hammer when she couldn't do anything in return (since there are situations where Stukov can outrange her).

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Cool thanks for the update. Are you ok with me quoting your reply to all the people defending this?

    Sure. I totally understand their reasoning, we just decided it would ruin the fun of Hammer players.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    This makes me sad. Having just bought SC2's expansions and all commanders besides Abathur on Sunday (I will buy him and Nova campaign later, I played WoL on launch day), I like Stukov even more than I did when he was the most interesting character in BW. If anyone deserves to be briefly OP, it's him.

    He might still be!
