
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Diamond 3 clown fiesta is really hurting the game

Every beginning of season HL brings different players to same rank division (D3) to face each other in "ranked games":

-> players who abused QM/UD feed (*)

-> players who havent played in about months (no MMR decay)

-> GM / PRO players material

-> Real D3 players

If we have clown fiesta matches in such a top division of the game (DIA = 5~10% player population), so all ranked divisions are utterly depreciaded. We are really hurting the game experience.

Can Blizzard say something, or we are going to always have unfair matches in HL?

(*)know the guy who is stucked in bronze/silver/gold, but his smurf is DIA3?

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    We're keeping an eye on it, but beyond the confusion associated with mixing Master/GM players at the D3 cap at the start of the season, haven't seen major issues. There's a lot of "I belong here and they don't" sentiment that floats around, but that's true of every rank and doesn't appear to be any more accurate here than the "I'm in Silver but belong in Platinum" ones. There are edge cases, but they're rare.

    A couple points worth mentioning:

    1) Matchmaking is based on MMR primarily rather than rank. Even though Master/GM tier players cap at D3, they'll be matched with/against other Master/GM tier players rather than "true" D3 players as long as those players are available. There are considerations to keep visible rank close in matches because it feels bad/weird when you see people of significantly different rank in your matches even if they're actually the same skill, but it's a secondary concern.

    2) We've done research into how quickly skills decay for people who don't play for a while and the effect is small. The longer they're gone, the bigger the impact, but folks pick things up again quickly. Even at the extremes where someone is gone for months, win rates normalize in less games than placements.

    That all said...we're always looking into ways to improve things and have been discussing changing or removing the cap. If we did it, it'd probably be linked to some other changes, like delaying GMs until a couple weeks into the season so it's not possible to place directly into GM at the start of a season and adding rank point decay for Master tier so you can't just sit at Master season after season by just playing placements.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Are there any results on what is the main reason of season start chaos? Is it public if so?

    There's a bunch of things that happen at the start of a season that make it feel more chaotic. For example...

    • Uncertainty loosens up at the start of the season, allowing your MMR to move more rapidly than it does normally. The effect is relatively small (if you were to win/lose every placement game, you'd move about 2x as far as you would normally), but it can shuffle things a bit in both directions.

    • Placements "reset" your rank to where it should be based on your MMR. At the end of the previous season, if you had been on a winning or losing streak, your rank will have diverged from your MMR but at the end of placements, you're placed back to where your MMR is. Keep in mind that this is combined with the effect of the above.

    • New seasons always see a spike in players checking out ranked.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Just please add "Reconsider Seeding Hero League with QM?" to your whiteboard

    We prefer to seed from Unranked Draft, but QM works if that's not viable due to a lack of games.

    Seeding is simply a baseline. The player has history with the game, so the system has a rough understanding of their skill, even if it's not a perfect map to a ranked environment. That's a better starting point than picking some arbitrary point for all players.

    FWIW, the seed point is capped to roughly the equivalent of Plat 3. It's possible to reach Diamond after placements coming in from a QM/UD seed, but you have to do really well in those placements.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Adjusting rank point modifiers over time based on ingame performance COULD work, if done well. Like, if someone continues to perform above his skill level, and has really good stats despite losing games and so on.

    Assuming you've already considered it, will you ever try something like that?

    It could even reduce frustration from people who flame, because they get a goal to work towards despite thinking the game is lost. Less people will suicide on purpose too if they know they are the ones who will suffer the most.

    Definitely. We've talked about this in the past and it's something we've been investigating internally. It shows a lot of promise, but it's also very complex and you have to be really careful not to create conditions that can be exploited to artificially boost MMR.

    I'm hoping it pans out, though, as the potential to more quickly get at an individual's MMR is very exciting.

  • Loesby

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    I have a question. Does ALL matches are put in to MMR?
    Because I have many from Alpha, I have plenty from the time you culd level up characters by afk in AI. Does all of them are count to MMR?
    Does it will be better if instead of time, the last for example 1000 game count to your MMR?

    Your Rating is updated every game based on the players in that game, it's not looking at your game history directly. However, since it's been updated for every game in your history, from a certain point of view it does include information from every game you've ever played. The more recent the game, the more substantial its effect has been on your current rating. (This is different from things like chess's FIDE rating system, which is updated monthly, taking the games played in the previous month to perform aggregate updates). You don't need to worry about the game you played against Cloud 9 in 2015.

    You don't need to worry about the AFK in AI affecting ratings. Each Game Mode has its own separate rating in your profile, and they're only updated when you play that game mode, or when we seed your rating from another queue to give it a better starting point to learn your skill.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    I was suprised to see that it is a 2x change, I was thinking more along the lines of 3-5x. MMR is very static and changes little, you dont get much when you double 8

    Take it with a little grain of salt. The max extents will vary a bit depending where you are on the curve, but in general it about doubles the max your MMR can move during placements relative to 10 games played with minimum uncertainty.

    Uncertainty decreases with each game played, so the effect is strongest in the earliest games.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Have you guys given any thought to the idea of limiting placements from QM/unranked to plat or gold instead of D3 like everyone else?

    Maybe a combination of releasing the cap on placements and restricting the placements of players from QM/unranked might be a good way to move forward or at least discussing?

    You could also restrict placing above D3 based on how many games you played last season. Every 10 games, after placements that you play in a season could increase your placement cap by 1. So after 20 games you can place in D2, after 30 you can place in D1 and after 40 you can place in Masters.

    I mentioned this in another part of the thread, but seeds from QM/UD are capped at an MMR that's roughly around Plat 3. It's possible to get into Diamond after placements with that seed, but you'd have to do really well.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Alright thanks, but there are more then a few mid to high diamond players that are account level 200 or below.

    I've seen people in this thread say that climbing to diamond doesn't feel that special as a result of people being able to place there.

    Maybe lowering those down 1 league would be a good answer.

    It does seem weird that a new account could get to grand master in less then 100 games at the start of a new HL season (assuming that was their first season of ranked play).

    You have to be really careful anytime you are artificially skewing MMR. The goal of MMR is to accurately measure skill so it can be used to make good matches. It's perfectly possible for someone with 200 games under their belt to be just as skilled as someone with 5000 games under their belt, especially if that newer player has a lot of experience in similar games and just has to pick up the intricacies of Heroes.

    If the system were to artificially suppress them, it would be putting them in a spot that isn't indicative of their skill which means worse matches for them and everyone they are matched with and against.

    The better path is to continue improving the ability of the system to accurately get at a player's true skill.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    MMR tends to drift at the top and bottom ends and at the start of each season, MMRs are adjusted back into a normal curve.

    Doesn't this concern you? It implies that either win chances are estimated too low for high ranked players, or that the skill curve assumption underlying the algorithm is wrong. That has some pretty significant implications for the quality of the ranking algorithm.

    Yep, it's a concern and something we're working to address. The drift over the course of a 3 month season is small enough that it doesn't have a big impact, particularly because it mainly impacts the very top and bottom of the curve, but it's not ideal and we'd prefer to not have to do normalization at all.
