
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Thank you Blizzard, for real, thank you so much

Quick Match will now prefer not to make mirror matches

God it felt so good to read that line.

That's all folks !

I don't mind to play mirror matches when I play very popular heroes like the ones that just joined the nexus or very common picks, but it happened way too often when you played heroes you'd never saw usually, and got mirrored (Butcher, Medivh, Murky, etc...)

So, Blizzard, thank you again <3

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Garrosh wait times will skyrocket btw ;) it's a good thing in the end though!

    This is why it says it will "prefer" not to make mirror matches. Because of the huge number of people queuing as launch day heroes, those are still going to see mirrors until demand drops down far enough that it's no longer necessary to mirror in order to create matches in a reasonable time. Normal day-to-day heroes, though, shouldn't see mirrors except in exceptional cases.

  • Loesby

    Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Logic and reasonable responses on my Reddit?

    Also - why not just give some bonus XP for heroes that are under-played? One time (for literally one game) I got bonus XP for queueing as Auto, but never saw it again.

    Playing a selected under-represented hero makes the matchmaking slightly easier, but except on release day, doesn't do a whole lot to help the overall system. Hero collisions have become less and less of a problem as we've expanded the hero pool (which is why we can make this mirroring change now); the meta configuration of your selected hero is more impactful.

    An example: Chromie is a less popular hero in Quick Match, so you might expect that playing Chromie instead of Li Ming would help the system out, Li Ming being super popular. However, Chromie and Li Ming have the same hero meta, so they're essentially interchangeable for that part of the matchmaking process.

    Auto Select, on the other hand, lets us use you as a wild card in any match with players close to your rating. It's especially helpful if there's at least one healer, tank, bruiser, and miscellaneous damage in your auto select filter; we can stick you literally anywhere to get the teams to match up.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I imagine heroes in the free rotation probably get more leeway into being mirrored, due to more people wanting to play those either to try stuff they don't have or because they don't have a big pool yet to choose from. Is that the case /u/BlizzTravis ?

    way into being mirrored, due to more people wanting to play those either to try stuff they don't have or

    I'm just picking my words carefully so folks don't come back later and say "You said only launch day heroes!" ;)

  • Loesby

    Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Is there a reason auto select picks rexxar 90% of the time?

    It's not quite 90%, but he is over-represented. It's because he's the only hero who's both Ranged and a Tank. Since we cap the number of melee heroes the matchmaker will put together on a team, and we require that if one team has a Tank, the other team must have one as well, Rexxar slides into a lot more compositions than other Tanks or Ranged heroes.
