
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Reporting toxic behaviour feels unimpactful and useless

Something needs to be done about the overwhelming abundance of toxicity and trolling in this game. Without exaggerating, I can say that literally half of my games in Hero League have had someone who intentionally screws over the rest of the team for the absolute pettiest reasons. A Muradin who decided that Gazlowe was an instant loss, so he decided to dwarf toss into forts every time he ressed. Someone who picked vikings and ran into forts on BoE just because someone politely asked him if he could pick another hero. An E.T.C who decided that my one early game death was too many and decided to constantly berate and insult, not just me, but the whole team before taunting in front of towers. And the list goes on...

Most might say: "just report and move on", but the report system in HotS is undeniably flawed/biased and most of the time, nothing ever comes from them (at least that we know of). I try to be as polite and positive as possible, but the nicest person in the world can't change the minds of these kinds of people. I understand that some of these "trolls" may just be having a bad day/week, but purposefully throwing a game is disrespectful and downright rude to those in it.

Like many have suggested before, blizzard could implement a way of notifying players if and when their reports have been looked into. Even if the results of said report are left undisclosed to the one who made it, the player will at least get some satisfaction in knowing that something is being done.

I find myself losing interest HotS lately solely due to the fact that no matter how well myself or others might play, it only takes one person to completely ruin the enjoyment for everyone.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    We're working on it. The reports do matter and players are getting actioned constantly thanks to those reports, but you're right that the lack of feedback makes it feel like they don't. Will fix.
