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I placed masters after my first ever placements. How is this possible?


I had never played a single ranked game before, yet I still somehow placed masters 1000 ranked points. Is this normal? I consider myself an average player, looks like I underestimated myself by quite a bit. proof

Edit: forgot to add the fact that I went 8-2 in my placements and proof that I've only played placements

Edit 2:I figured, that I should also show my QM win% to those that are curious

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Thanks for the report. I've passed it along to the matchmaking team to dig into and will let you know what they find.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    How can you do 100% of placements with the same people and have one place gold 1, one diamond 2 and the other Masters. Then when playing with the same people the person in gold loses more points and gains less for each loss and win respectively.

    Because skill, and corresponding matchmaking rating, is individual and each person has a different starting point.

    To phrase it in a more obvious way, if you put a player who is bronze tier skill in the same placement games as a player who is master tier skill, after the games, they're still different skills even though they had the same record and same opponents for the placements. They're not both suddenly platinum tier players.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Also, that was said back when the total cap after placements was Diamond 3. Now that the placement cap is 1000 pt Masters it's possible that the initial seeding can be higher than plat 3 (since I don't think 8-2 out of Plat mathematically can get you into Masters).

    The initial seeding cap hasn't changed.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    but wouldnt it be smarter for the bronze tier guy to earn more points and for the master tier player to lose more points? so if they always Teamleague together, win and lose together that the bronze guy will climb faster?

    currently I play with 2 friends, our ranks are plat 3, gold 4 and silver 5 and we sometimes play against diamonds, plat 1 etc and everyone gains and loses the same points... isnt that unlogical?

    edit: just FYI all of us got the same rank in other MOBAS and we played all placement games together but some friends r simply newer to HOTS so they got ranked lower...

    Not necessarily. Ranked tiers in Heroes are based on the individual players skill so two players of the same rank are going to be of similar skill as well.

    One of the challenges of MMR based on straight wins/losses in a team-based game is that the reason for the win/loss is basically evenly attributed to the team as a whole. So, if the system knows one player is bronze tier and the other is master tier to start, it has to assume that they both contributed according to their skill. If those players only ever play games together, its impossible to differentiate the individual performance from them as a team so they'll gain/lose rank at roughly the same rate.

    If the players are playing other games apart from each other, though, then there are other variables in the equation and the individual's performance can be more easily teased out.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Wins, losses, and the MMR of you, your team average, and the other team average.

    It doesn't care about anything else. It doesn't purport to represent skill. It's a mathematical formula designed with the objective of forming matches where each side has a roughly equal chance to win.

    Pretty accurate. It's a fairly standard system based on the core assumption that, all other things being equal, if you are higher or lower skill than everyone else at your current ranking, you are the X-factor that causes you to win/lose more games.

    It works, but the downside is that if the skill difference is pretty small, it can take a lot of games for the effect to be felt.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Question for you Travis from my experience with teammates. 4 of our team finished diamond 1/2 the previous season, and our 5th finished plat 3. All of us did placements together and went 8-2 against master/diamond level players and we finished Master 1000, d1-550, d2-430, d3-600, and our 5th place gold1-300. Is there a reason for the disparity and especially the platinum player placing lower than he finished while playing a higher competition?

    If you wanna send me the battletags for the folks, I can ask the team to look into it. It's hard to say without pulling actual info.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Nice, so the system has a bias and there is actually an MMR hell. Good to know

    I'd love to understand how you arrived at that conclusion. In that example, there's two different people of wildly different skill on the team. Do you suggest they should be placed at the same point anyway?

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    Thanks for the report. I've passed it along to the matchmaking team to dig into and will let you know what they find.

    To follow up on this, the placement was an interesting combination of things.

    First, you had a lot more games in QM than UD, but there was enough data in both QM and UD for the system to consider both valid choices to seed from. In that case, it uses UD as the seed since its more indicative of the play environment for ranked than QM is.

    Interestingly, your QM MMR is significantly higher than your UD one. Your QM MMR is master tier. UD is diamond. Both are above the placement cap of Plat 3, though, so that ends up not mattering much. What did matter, though, is that your uncertainty in UD was still relatively high since you don't have a ton of games played there so, since that was used for the seed, your uncertainty coming into ranked was correspondingly high.

    Then you won the first 6 games against high-skill teams, which bumped your MMR back up significantly due to the high uncertainty. Going 2 and 2 for the last 4 still left you with master tier MMR at the end of placements. It's not as high as your QM MMR, but a bit higher than your UD one.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with placing into Master as long as you're a Master-tier player, so the question then becomes: are you actually a Master-tier player, as indicated by at least your QM performance, or is it a fluke of the system? As you continue to play ranked, it should become apparent which is the case.

    Either way, this case was really useful to dig into and there are a few places along the flow that we may adjust things to improve the outcome in the future. Thanks for bringing it up!

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    thanks for the discussion Travis. May I add a suggestion: if players are supposed to be placed above Diamond 3, only put them as high as they were able to climb in the previous season.

    If I was able to climb to Master last season I can be placed in Master this season, but If I only managed to get to Diamond 1, even if my placement games determine I'm in Masters, place me in Diamond 1 and make me climb.

    Also limiting to the last season only is a kind of MMR decay, but not exactly. If you were really good in season 2, but missed season 3 and in season 4 your play got really bad, you should not be able to be placed in high rank after a lucky streak of placement games for season 5. So the maximum would be Diamond 3 again. That way things get much cleaner above Diamond 3.

    You have to be careful with anything that is artificially imposing limitations on where someone is ranked. Because rank is the only visible indicator of skill and people react allergically to folks of different ranks being in the same game together, even if they're the same skill, the matchmaking system prefers to match people of similar rank together. As long as their rank is appropriate to their MMR, that's a non-issue, but if they diverge too heavily, it causes problems.

    That's part of why we got rid of the Diamond 3 cap. It worked fine at the start of a season when there were a lot of higher MMR folks at the cap, but as the season went on and the higher MMR players moved up to master, the system had a harder time making matches for people who were higher MMR, but joined later in the season so didn't have that large pool of other, similar players to be matched with.

    The fix for this is making MMR visible, then decoupling MMR from rank entirely (and yes, that's on my wish list to do). At that point, we have a lot more freedom with rank without affecting matchmaking quality.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years ago (Source)

    So all i just to do is play QM win like crazy, next season i am master, this system is so broken, only blizzard dont see it.

    You missed a key requirement: being a master-tier skilled player.

    Without that, it doesn't matter how much QM you win. You're going to seed in at mid-Plat at the highest and if you can't hang at that point, you're not going up in rank.
