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Introducing: Performance-Based Matchmaking

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    yeah i don't love this. i would much rather keep them separate so i know when i'm performing poorly or well vs when I have an mmr/rank discrepancy

    The Performance Adjustment will be a separate line item from Personal Rank Adjustment. In theory, the Performance Adjustment should act to serve the same purpose as Personal Rank Adjustment does today, which is to make sure Rank properly reflects internal Skill Rating (MMR). Our current plan is to have both adjustments this season, analyze the data that a live season gives us, and remove Personal Rank Adjustment in the future once we're reasonably convinced that Performance Adjustments do that job well.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Hopefully you will have enough data next season to help you make a good decision.

    I'm sure we will get more answers as the system is implemented, but is there a point cap to the Performance Adjustment? And in a system where both Performance Adjustment and Personal Rank Adjustment exist, are you concerned about scenarios where players can have opposite (positive/negate) adjustments being confusing to players? It seems like both adjustments were created to do the same task but may have oddly different results.

    I feel like this is a touchy subject for many players as we don't have the ability to see our MMR so rank points is really the only way we can gauge our skill. And when there is indeed a discrepancy between MMR and rank points it creates a bad experience in ranked play.

    The truth is that the more games people play the closer they will get to their true MMR/rank. The problem is that most players won't play that many games due to frustration or lack of time. Hopefully you guys have figured out a solution to get us closer to that sweet spot more quickly!

    We're looking at setting it to a maximum of +- 50 points for Performance Adjustment. In practice, most players won't see much beyond +-20.

    We don't yet know how often the PA and PRA will move in opposite directions for a player. The difficulty this this type of system is that, until actual players are using it, our statistics can only do so much. We can look at the previous games and apply our model to it, but with the model, different games would be made. I'm optimistic that it won't be a regular persistent experience for a player, but it's certainly possible for it to happen. The reason I don't think it will be persistent for a single player is that performing above the expected level for your rating (positive Performance Adjustment) means we will increase your rating more rapidly, which would tend to cause a positive Personal Rank Adjustment. The opposite will happen for the unfortunate souls who are a bit over-rated and under-ranked.

    We will watch this season with great interest. There's plenty to learn from players once it's in your hands.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I dont know if you already answered this, but does system take team composition into calculation? For example Kerrigan should have harder time stun tracer and highly mobile heroes, malfurion should heal a lot more versus poke comp than versus burst comp, or butcher will have bad time versus lili, etc...

    Currently, no. The statistical problem to solve there is really complex (for those who speak Computer Science, I believe it's O(n!/(n-10)!) with n being the number of heroes), which means there are a lot of hurdles to being able to build confidence in such a system. That doesn't mean it will never happen, but we're not planning for it at the moment.

    This does mean that you can "game" the system a little bit in the way you draft. However, the only reliable strategy for "gaming" the performance system seems to be:

    • Communicate with your team in draft, try to coordinate so that your hero selections have good synergy.
    • Play heroes which you will be able to do well with in the team's composition, on the selected map, contributing to a win.

    Doing those two things as much as possible will reliably result in you performing better than if you didn't. So, your rating will tend to be higher than if you drafted more selfishly. Luckily, that's also a great way to have good experiences in the game, both socially and in gameplay.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Well, in that case the system would reward him, provided he were actually playing better and not just deluded. It's not like the system activates a hidden breathalyzer in you Mic or something.

    Don't I wish.
