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Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes — December 4, 2017

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    One more thing we didn't call out in the Patch Notes:

    To help test the new Performance-based Rating system, Hero League restrictions have been lifted for the last week of the PTR, and only one game is needed to place. Feel free to hop on and check it out!

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    This info probably isn't 100% accurate to measure this because I lost my first several games, but for the only PTR season I played I placed in S3, but on the Americas region I was Diamond MMR at the time.

    The PTR is just a separate environment, the same as our regional environments. Ratings aren't transferred between them.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    So this MMR system doesn't work in quick match?

    The new system is active for all queues; however, it's pretty hard for you to give feedback on a rating system if you can't see any information in client. Hero League has the point adjustment so you have something to inform your feedback.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    For feedback on Performance-based matchmaking on the PTR do we need to rely upon the 'Personal Rank Adjustment' points to be our indicator of its effect? Could you give a example of how we should interpret whether performance based MMR adjustment has occured and in what direction for the PTR?

    There will be a Performance Adjustment line item on your rank update at the end of the game, which is directly related to the new performance system. That would be what to look to.

    Of course, since it's PTR and has a lower population and less information about your skill, it's likely to be less accurate overall than we will see in a live environment. A lot of this is to get us testing on the code by more players, so that when the system goes live we'll have any bugs worked out.

  • Loesby

    Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I've played a few game already with the same hero, but haven't seen this line yet.

    Do i need to finish every placement to see one? (It said my rank is Plat4 after a game, yet on my profile it's listed as 1 win, 9 placements.) Did a few yet, but haven't seen a Performance Adjustment line yet.


    With the current configuration on PTR, the performance adjustments will only show up if there are multiple human players on each team. I recommend getting a few friends together, and all queuing at the same time, to get more humans into the game.

    The UI on the Ranked queue screen looks weird, because we've configured the servers to only require 1 game for placements, but that configuration doesn't change what's in the UI. On the back end, your rank is real.
