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Megathread: Performance Based Matchmaking and Placement Feedback

Performance Based Matchmaking (PBM) just went live with the latest patch and there will probably be a lot of feedback regarding the new system.

Purpose of this thread is to gather information and links to threads about the new system, to make sure Blizzdevs get easy access to as much feedback as possible. This is not meant to replace those threads, but if you have additional information or want to share your own experiences without having to create a new thread, feel free to share in the comments.

Information about PBM:

Threads concerning PBM:


  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    For anyone that hasn't seen it yet:

    We uncovered a problem with how starting MMR was seeded for this season where some players didn't seed in with the MMR they ended last season with. That then caused them to end up in odd ranks after placements.

    The issue isn't related to performance-based matchmaking. Just unfortunate timing.

    A fix has already gone out to prevent the problem from continuing to happen and people who were affected will effectively be reset back to the start of the season. We're hoping to be able to do that tomorrow.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    A fix has already gone out to prevent the problem from continuing to happen

    Sorry, so I can play already, or should I wait for rollback (I didn't do my placements yet)?

    Thank you for your information!

    Players who started the season after the fix went out wouldn't be affected directly, but if you have any concerns, I'd just wait until the rollbacks happen for peace of mind. Should be later today, so not a long wait.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Summoning update from /u/blizztravis

    It's coming. Don't want to rush it and potentially cause other problems. Should still be done today.
