
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Towers/Forts/Keeps Desperately Need a Buff

Let's be honest: new Forts and Keeps might as well be made of origami tissue paper at this point. Even a fat minion wave pushed on its own can take a big beefy chunk out of a tower's life early on. They don't feel like they exist to protect your part of the map - they honestly seem to be road bumps that bend to any opposition in half a minute. There's no sense of security or defense, they constantly need babysat, and when they are defending a lane on their own the tower damage just feels sad. Infinite ammo is fine but nerfing tower damage and buffing minion health just extends the time it takes for towers to clear waves, therefore meaning towers naturally take more damage.

Forts aught to get a fair buff, but Keeps need a larger buff. Keeps are more worthwhile to claim as an objective however many of the game's objectives allow the first team to push with something like Immortal or Protector or Dragon Knight to get all the way to the keep in a lane in under 5 minutes.

Their damage output needs to be more, no way around it. I'd revert tower damage back to what it was. If it's too much, 90% of what it used to be. The fort/keep aught to be a structure to recon with - it should chunk minions and mercs hard and really cripple heroes that stay too long.

Also I hate getting weeb'd by Genji while behind my own main fort for free but that's another story. Dying to an Illidan dive under keep is whatever, but I loathe the Genji dive.

My suggestions might be trash, but the current state of the game is ridiculous.

  • azgaz

    Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Hey all,

    We have some changes coming to Structures, Mercenaries and Regen Globes next week so keep an eye out for the patch notes.
